Sunday 16 September 2012

morning all!! a good day to start the journey of my life..hahaha..currently busy FB-ing, TWITTERing and BLOGging...nice going since the past 30 minutes..xD..

feel a little bit hungry..hohohoho..PORRIDGE PLEASURE
here's a capture of it..haha..seems nice..just enter the first step of making porridge..i'm not that of a good cook though..just simple and what important is nice to the mouth..nyum2..

home is not that home here at KOLEJ AMINUDDIN BAKI is quite "lonely", too quiet!!!..
seriously kinda eerie...uUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!

luckily there's no ghost popping out from somewhere places..haha..enjoy my morning with smile and of course keep the thumbs up!!..easy fun, easy going!!..

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