Saturday 29 September 2012

StrivinG For Final Exam

feel wanna cry thinking over the final exam which will start this monday. I really don't have the courage to overcome all what will happen. Overthrowned by feelings, this kind of awkward moment is what I'm afraid of. Never thought I'll be in this kind of state of nervousness. Eventhough all the preparations are already being made, the state that I'm a dead-meat this semester is the most killing of all scene. The past final exam I didn't have this kind of feeling - the feeling of doom- Now that I'm really not into this exam, how should I strive well? 

Arghhhhhhhhhhh!!!! What a moment, almost screamed everytime I started to revise all the notes and handouts, and that feeling of laziness will like suddenly slip into my body. Feeling of tired will start to take me by force, and yes, there I'm laying tiredly on bed. Sooner or later, it will surely happens again, for sure. But this is not what I'm looking forward for, I want success, I want to excel this semester. What best for me is not to be distracted by anything, even voices, facebook and sorts, but still I got distracted nowadays. The power of satan is really great. Oh Dear God, HELP ME! Only you can help me now, give me strength and help me seek for freedom. Dear God I know I'm not blessed with good mind and a healthy body, but for this only, I ask for Your help and forgiveness. Help me to overcome all this tests. 


Hmmm, songs are a great relief to me, they soothe me well when I study. Almost lost insanity revising all subjects eventhough I know if I got the will, I can do my best, but somehow I feel weak inside. Hope that I can do my very best for this coming final. What I need is a good-job-done. Hope that what I've done to strive this final will offer me good results. I don't want to be so confident about this, but it's what I hoped for. If not, hoping that the results will put a smile on my face will do.

Chaiyok Sern!!!!! You know you can do this!! Do your very best!! Know that luck is with you, go for your goal, willed well and score the best!! God is with you., Trust in Him!! Amen

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