Monday 24 September 2012

My Awful But Cheerish Day:: Longing For Mum's Recipe

Woke up at 2.43 pm (because slept late last night at 4 am), bathed then having done with laundry (1 big pail), house-cleaning, washed the plates and bowls and the spoons *sigh*. A tiring day!

Next was to cooked onion porridge mixed ikan bilis seasoning, hmm, tasted marvellous!. My second try for porridge making. hahaha. My mum recipe of course, just applied it here at TM, KAB house D110. *loike!*

Some captions of it, simply delicious. *never thought that I'm actually a good cook*..hahaha..

*first was to cook the porridge*

*put in some slices of big onion and add-in ikan bilis seasoning*

simple as that, everyone can make one right!
wanna have a try
then go for it..hehehe..just sharing my mum simple porridge recipe, although it is not as grand as the porridge at those restaurant, hand-cooked by chefs, my mum's cooking is still the best, love you mum!


Having "brunch" with porridge, taste good and taste yummy!
I had two bowls of it and it was just nice, all the ingredients were simple but to me it was a wonderful moment *loike*

*just nice*..yummmm yummmm.. :D

the end!!!!!!!1 :D


  1. ahahahaha..sikda bunga key hias bah, ahahaha..bia jak sia.. asal sedap jak...^^
