Tuesday 9 October 2012

The Finishing of Exam Week and My Sem 2 at UPSI

Leaving my home and my room, and went home for home sweet home.. :D

On the way to LCCT with my besty, Fiqa Kirana Purple.. :)

While we're in the bus..Star Shuttle from Pudu to LCCT
A tiring 1 hours and 45 minutes travelling session..haha

Upon reaching LCCT, near Sepang Circuit

Reaching LCCT..

At LCCT, we're on for movies, facebook and twitter all hours. Feeling dizzy and sleepy but can't even sleep, just to make sure we're fresh till dawn. haha..Crazy moment. :D

While waiting for our  7.10 am, Monday morning flight. Movie through out the night

Movies:: Furry Vengeance, How to Train Your Dragon and sorts..

Our baggages, mine of 11 and 12 kilos. Quite heavy..haha 

My boarding pass. See my particulars for the flight. haha.. Felt happy and excited yesterday, 9 October 2012.

What I Did During The Very Few LasT Days At KAB D110, Tanjung Malim..ngehehe :D

These were the things I did during my past few days at KAB D110..hehe

Arsenal vs Olympiacos onlined-streaming..haha


Life as a Uni student..haha

So lifeless..haha..my pride!

Again and again, soccer match onlined-streaming..hahaha..like!

Arsenal vs West Ham United onlined-streaming..haha

Just smile and enjoyed the match

Went to the night market at Pekan Tanjung Malim to buy foods..haha

Chicken rice as always..haha

Enjoy life at KZ's cafe..ate and ate and ate..

My fav, Chinese Fried Rice..haha..lifeless.. :D

Lifeless, right?. Exam week and a lifeless life. Good to live it. Not worth any, but as long as the fun was still on.

Stayed awake till dawn..

Enjoying Japanese drama..

My Hana Kimi..haha..love it..

Went to Proton City lake and the playground with my besties, Fiqa, Din and Kiera, along with Kak Ain.. :D

The scenery during sun down..nice, right?

Another caption, just nice..

Lovely scenery..

Saturday 29 September 2012

StrivinG For Final Exam

feel wanna cry thinking over the final exam which will start this monday. I really don't have the courage to overcome all what will happen. Overthrowned by feelings, this kind of awkward moment is what I'm afraid of. Never thought I'll be in this kind of state of nervousness. Eventhough all the preparations are already being made, the state that I'm a dead-meat this semester is the most killing of all scene. The past final exam I didn't have this kind of feeling - the feeling of doom- Now that I'm really not into this exam, how should I strive well? 

Arghhhhhhhhhhh!!!! What a moment, almost screamed everytime I started to revise all the notes and handouts, and that feeling of laziness will like suddenly slip into my body. Feeling of tired will start to take me by force, and yes, there I'm laying tiredly on bed. Sooner or later, it will surely happens again, for sure. But this is not what I'm looking forward for, I want success, I want to excel this semester. What best for me is not to be distracted by anything, even voices, facebook and sorts, but still I got distracted nowadays. The power of satan is really great. Oh Dear God, HELP ME! Only you can help me now, give me strength and help me seek for freedom. Dear God I know I'm not blessed with good mind and a healthy body, but for this only, I ask for Your help and forgiveness. Help me to overcome all this tests. 


Hmmm, songs are a great relief to me, they soothe me well when I study. Almost lost insanity revising all subjects eventhough I know if I got the will, I can do my best, but somehow I feel weak inside. Hope that I can do my very best for this coming final. What I need is a good-job-done. Hope that what I've done to strive this final will offer me good results. I don't want to be so confident about this, but it's what I hoped for. If not, hoping that the results will put a smile on my face will do.

Chaiyok Sern!!!!! You know you can do this!! Do your very best!! Know that luck is with you, go for your goal, willed well and score the best!! God is with you., Trust in Him!! Amen

Monday 24 September 2012

My Awful But Cheerish Day:: Longing For Mum's Recipe

Woke up at 2.43 pm (because slept late last night at 4 am), bathed then having done with laundry (1 big pail), house-cleaning, washed the plates and bowls and the spoons *sigh*. A tiring day!

Next was to cooked onion porridge mixed ikan bilis seasoning, hmm, tasted marvellous!. My second try for porridge making. hahaha. My mum recipe of course, just applied it here at TM, KAB house D110. *loike!*

Some captions of it, simply delicious. *never thought that I'm actually a good cook*..hahaha..

*first was to cook the porridge*

*put in some slices of big onion and add-in ikan bilis seasoning*

simple as that, everyone can make one right!
wanna have a try
then go for it..hehehe..just sharing my mum simple porridge recipe, although it is not as grand as the porridge at those restaurant, hand-cooked by chefs, my mum's cooking is still the best, love you mum!


Having "brunch" with porridge, taste good and taste yummy!
I had two bowls of it and it was just nice, all the ingredients were simple but to me it was a wonderful moment *loike*

*just nice*..yummmm yummmm.. :D

the end!!!!!!!1 :D

Friday 21 September 2012

I've Got My Tumblr!!!!

My tumblr, just created it like in the past 30 minutes.. Currently exploring tumblr world.. And it's a *wohohohohohohohoho*

Jae Sern Tumblr::: Xcornim

click on the link above and make yours.. hehe

#just promoting.. <3


These photos were taken during our trip to Melaka... Nice right, just having this peaceful time to upload some of the beach's pictures.. 

Surely miss this place. Wish to go there again. Couldn't remember the name.

Had time collecting sea shells but now they are gone. Emi could have thrown them away.. Huehue
But one thing for sure. I'll surely go to Melaka again next time... Hahahaha

Thursday 20 September 2012


According to Websters, platonic love is a pure, spiritual affection, subsisting between persons of opposite sex, unmixed with carnal desires, and regarding the mind only and its excellences.

According to Science reference, platonic love in its modern popular sense is an affectionate relationship into which the sexual element does not enter, especially in cases where one might easily assume otherwise. A simple example of platonic relationships is a deep, non-sexual friendship between two heterosexual people of the opposite sexes.

 - At the same time, this interpretation is a misunderstanding of the nature of the Platonic ideal of love, which from its origin was that of a chaste but passionate love, based not on uninterest but virtuous restraint of sexual desire.-

According to Wikipedia, platonic love is a chaste and strong type of love that is non-sexual.
Platonic love in this original sense of the term is examined in Plato's dialogue the Symposium, which has as its topic the subject of love or Eros generally. It explains the possibilities of how the feeling of love began, and how it has evolved – both sexually and non-sexually. Of particular importance is the speech of Socrates, relating the ideas attributed to the prophetess Diotima, which present love as a means of ascent to contemplation of the divine. For Diotima, and for Plato generally, the most correct use of love of other human beings is to direct one's mind to love of divinity. In short, with genuine platonic love, the beautiful or lovely other person inspires the mind and the soul and directs one's attention to spiritual things.
The English term dates back as far as Sir William Davenant's Platonic Lovers (1636). It is derived from the concept in Plato's Symposium of the love of the idea of good which lies at the root of all virtue and truth. For a brief period, Platonic love was a fashionable subject at the English royal court, especially in the circle around Queen Henrietta Maria, the wife of King Charles I. Platonic love was the theme of some of the courtly masques performed in the Caroline era—though the fashion soon waned under pressures of social and political change.
Barbara Graziosi, professor of Classics at Durham University, described Platonic love as the "Christian apology" of Greek love.

How to Understand Platonic Love and Friendship

1) Understand what love itself is. Love is a deep emotion expressed through affection and creates and attachment or bond between people. Different types of love exist for different relationships. For example, a mother and daughter have familial love, partners have romantic love. The love between friends is platonic love.

2)  Consider your thoughts about the person. Do you think of them romantically or erotically? Thoughts such as these suggest you might have a different love for this person. If your thoughts are innocent, then you most likely have a platonic love for them. 

3) Do not mistake your love for something more. One of the most common confusions occur when people mistake their affection towards their friends as something deeper. Whether consciously or subconsciously, it is easy to mistake feelings of love.

4) Understand how strong platonic love can be. It is perfectly normal for people to experience intense feelings for those they care about without the love being of a romantic nature. Very similar to that of actual love, platonic love creates a powerful attachment between people.

5) Think about what your idea of friendship is. Do you consider acquaintances as friends or do you need to have a profound knowledge of the person before you classify them as a friend? In order to identify the type of love, you must first have a comparison to what your norm for platonic love is.

**copy-paste ltd.**
by:: Jae sern

Wednesday 19 September 2012

19 October:: Our Fun Time Together!!

We had a fun time together tonight. Fiqa, Kyra, Zana and Balter had their etnik presentation on cam. It was a wonderful time chatting with them *hehe*. 

Balter during his speech.. Haha.. his Sabahan interframed his Malay-speech-orientation. Funny!

Chup,chup::: Jae Sern

Our ICT movieeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! ehehehe..

Everything was a relieve after done handed in our ICT mini project: e-Movie for best salutation of the year!.. *as if*..hahaha..

Today was a hectic day, as everything went wrong during ICT class. As two groups were being combined together, everything was a great *wow*...applause!! ahaha

For the very first 30 minutes, we thought our day was about to be doomed by our *beloved* miss. ekekeke...

She looked so frustrated when she entered the class that our class was as quiet as there was an angel passed by the room.

Luckily the next second 30 minutes, she was a bit cool and told jokes to us, slideshowing us broken english used by people nowadays.

It was a cheerful moment when she showed us those English used by different people, Spanish English, Arabian English and etc., all with grammatical errors and even showing that they were lacking of English vocabulary!

Just imagine someone asking you, and you start to converse but at the middle of the conversation you suddenly stop!, because lack of vocabulary!..hehe

Sahal my ex-roomate was teased by her because he seemed didn't understand what our miss was telling us all. She even teased me saying that I had my Kpop hair, while Sahal had his own funny world!.. *ouch!*..haha.. I didn't take it seriously because once I had a fight with my besties just because I answered miss back when she talked about my hair. Now it' s ok to me. I know she was just joking, just to make the day looked perfect!..hehe..and indeed it was. So nice of her. 

Ok, talking about our e-Movie, here's our movie that me, syntha and tinie had made. Although a bit not catchy, but we glad that we had finished it by meaning of "by hook or by crook". Enjoy watching!

Tuesday 18 September 2012

yayyyyyyyyy... KFC BAU !!!!!!

a caption of KFC BAU...new in town!! ahaha


credits to:: Eliana Jeply...

auWWWWwwww!!! no need to go far just to have drumsticks anymore..ahahaha...!!! 

KFC BAU I'm coming back home this October!!!


Who cares!!!

Well, who cares most about you... who cares!!
As long as what I do feels right, it's my doing and sorry, is it have effects on you??.. *Daaaaaaaaa* 

like who cares!!.. 
go away *daaaaaaaaaaaa*
stop ruining my life like *yeahhhhhhhhhh*
stop pissing me off would yaaaa
and dear *daaaaaaaa*
here's a gift for you... barbie with a silent "R"

Monday 17 September 2012

My Dance, My Passion

currently dancing this moves!! with housemate, Emi and nextdoor, Alief..ahahaha...enjoyyyyyyyyyyyyyy fun exciting and bla bla bla....


loikeeeeee...ahahaha...lost fat easily yeah..but for me, fat is my friend..hwahwahwa...


let's shake those booties! ahahahak..*pervert*
First entered UPSI, my friend, Zana always sang this song, when the intro part she changed the lyric to "tengok J celaka"

funny yet annoying!! I didn't really knew what she was saying at first.. I hated this song when she sang it everyday just to tease me..haish!!

Now I know why and why.. previously, the song caught my attention to hear it and yeah!! I'm enjoying listened to it ever since I first heard the song till I loved this group..2ne1..ahahaha....argHhhhhhhhh...addicted!



I'm not asking to be hate or to be treatened strangely..Summing up, I'm, me myself and no other facts can make me be different from what I'm.. I know my own weaknesses and positively I accept all the facts that make what I'm now.. That's why I'm trying to change for good.. But, seriously, judging me behind my back is the most stupid thing one ever do.. Get along with me before make any judgements.. For who I'm is what I'm really is and to be true I hate the part one back-stabbing me.. Because the truths really hurt my feeling and yes! that's the most awful moment I ever know someone as if I'm new to the surrounding.. p/s Welcome foe!.. You're being blacklisted..

Humiliate me and I'll make you suffer!!.giearghhhhhhhhhhh!!!

Make me angry means you're doomed!! so silly of you.. 

Welcome to 666..
I'm a fan of Gangnam song so FYI haters..it's ain't made for haters..it's made for those Gangnam lovers...so step back and do your own job..Summing up, there's no need to put exclamation mark all over your comments just to seize-vanished everything for that song will always remain in the heart!!!

"Stupidity is judge through language"..note this!!

Ain't feeling stupid??? then mirror yourself.. Despite all the hating scene, the world will not reversed back to the old folklore you know.. shame on you HATERS...haish!!!

I'm feeling hot right now.. HATERS... move out off the way... SHOWDOWN still not over yet.. and people from all walk of life will stand together to support GANGNAM..It is a trend and of course trademark is important... it's an art of dance and dance is a passion same goes to music...if you hate Gangnam, why not you hate English songs that arre far more sarcastic and try arouse artists name up to the website saying something bad about their music then...Then, at that funny moment, Gangnam dance is the best salutation ever for DROP-FACES....arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!..


Video English lagi teruk dari GAngnam... dengan NUDITY terlebih...euWwwwwwwwwwwww!
Night everyone..
This is my __ times updating my blog!! looks like I'm addicted already!! helppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp!!!!!!!..
zombies are attacking my brainnnnnnnnnnnnn...ekekekeke..
currently enjoying my meal for tonight...

The sweet and tasty Chinese Fried Rice... my friend bought it for me..hehehe..so kind of her... :D

I realize this yellow spot on my hand..maybe because of last few days accident..
haiyakkkk!! still hurt much...huehue...alone with Fawwaz at home..shahmee and abu went for JMK meeting..sitting alone at the so-called "living room"..argHHHHhhhhhhhhhh...wanna scream out loud!!! really boringggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg....=,=

dear HATERS!!

please don't judge this song as something bad.. it's just a song and FYI this video ain't judging about race and religion.. so step out of the box and think wisely before judging this video..no offense..

aRghHHHHHHHHHH!! crazy moment rises

this is a chance in a lifetime!!!!!! wanna go!!!

ok...fine!!!!!! BIGBANG TOUR!! ahahaha..am crazy right??
just love their songs..no trending! ahaha..

Sunday 16 September 2012

scrolling down my newsfeed on facebook and found out this!!!!!
seriously it's just nice and awesome thingy!!!..wanna grab one if can...so a"wow"


nice right!!

another business making??..nope! just promoting and sharing is caring , right?.. enjoy surfing yeah!
my fav MALAYSIAN TEAM here got some nice and exciting news to be shared with all fans read for infos!!! ahahaa...
business making, as if..


always gomo klate gomo...nice saying right!! ahaha..like!
morning all!! a good day to start the journey of my life..hahaha..currently busy FB-ing, TWITTERing and BLOGging...nice going since the past 30 minutes..xD..

feel a little bit hungry..hohohoho..PORRIDGE PLEASURE
here's a capture of it..haha..seems nice..just enter the first step of making porridge..i'm not that of a good cook though..just simple and what important is nice to the mouth..nyum2..

home is not that sweet..haha..my home here at KOLEJ AMINUDDIN BAKI is quite "lonely", too quiet!!!..
seriously kinda eerie...uUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!

luckily there's no ghost popping out from somewhere places..haha..enjoy my morning with smile and of course keep the thumbs up!!..easy fun, easy going!!..
today was a very meaningful day..i've got to see her from near..hahaha..*blushing*...x)

a maiden from sky maybe..hahaha..

new members of the holy redeemer church came. we all had some fun time playing games and chit chatting face to face. getting to know new people is an awesome moment. those new people i knew from the "get to know ceremony"..silvia, max, kevvy, and yeah more and more bidayuhs coming to UPSI.. nice and exciting moment we had together.. 

Saturday 15 September 2012

Always dreamnt of being a singer..haha..well yeah..eventhough have like multiple voices..still I can make it..the only one thing is courage and never give up!!.. :D.. falsetto, bass and soprano..3 voices that challenge me really hard..still try to make up with them though.. like! 

this song video despite of being quite old, it links me with all the past memories.. really feel lonely yet the alienation is a "wow"..haha..by the way, enjoy yeah..still sounds catchy..and yeah you all might feel the same with what I feel when listening to it..I'm not a true Kpop fan but yeah just listen and feel the aura..haha..

this is my first of all fav team..yeah a MAN U fan for sure... I don't care how much people hate this team..but to me it is still the best..haha.. :D
my second fav team...ARSENAL..glowy and eye stunning..haha..love it..I'm a gunner too yeah!! X)
A new era of me..hahaha..just creating this blog as a follow up life diary..my first blog, don't know how to "kill" it..despite of the hard try..I just create a new one..much more simple than the previous one and yeah generates more new ideas to potray myself in the community.. be nice and nice to meet you all.. ~~smile and keep the thumbs up okay~~